Life of Pi is a 2012 American Adventure drama film based on Yann Martels 2001 novel of the same name. Directed by Ang Lee, the film is based on an Adapted screen play by David Magee,and stars Irfan Khan,Gerard Depardieu,Tabu,Suraj Sharma,and Adil Hussain.Visual effects are by Rhythm and Hues Studios.Life of Pi has earned an estimated $108,861,000 million worldwide.During its opening on the extended Thanksgiving weekend, the film debuted in 2,902 theaters throughout the United States and Canada and grossed an estimated $30 million.Life of Pi movie latest photos,Life of Pi movie pics,Life of Pi movie stills,Life of Pi movie exclusive pics,Life of Pi wallpaper,Life of Pi posters,Life of Pi actors,Life of Pi actress,Life of Pi movie trailer,Life of Pi videos,Life of Pi film album pics.